The Assembly of the Association consists of founders and 50 (fifty) elected members.
The Assembly elects its President and two Vice Presidents.
President and Vice Presidents of the Assembly are elected for a 5 (five) year period, with no limits to possibility of being re-elected.
The Assembly meets regularly once a year. The extraordinary Assembly meeting can be summoned upon the proposal of the Managing Board, as well as the initiative of at least one third of the Assembly members. The initiative must be submitted in writing to the Managing Board and it shall be accompanied by the list of issues proposed for consideration.
The meeting of the Assembly is convened by the President of the Assembly or by the President of the Managing Board, by written notice containing the details of the place and time of the meeting, as well as draft agenda. The Assembly meeting is presided by the President of the Assembly or, in his absence, by Assembly Vice Presidents or President of the Managing Board.
Jurisdiction of the Assembly:
• prepares work plan and programme
• approves the Bylaws and its amendments
• approves the other general documents of the Association
• elects and dismiss the members of the Managing Board
• elects and dismiss the members of the Presidency
• reviews and approves, at least once a year, the report of the Managing Board
• reviews and approves financial plan and report
• makes decisions on status changes and termination of work of the Association
• makes decisions on membership in unions and associations in the country and abroad
The decisions of the Assembly are valid only if made in presence of at least one half of the members. The decisions of the Assembly are made by majority vote of the present members. Amendments to the Bylaws, status changes and termination of the work of the Association can be made only by the decision of the founders and two-third majority vote of the present members.
Members of the Assembly
The President of the provincial association of SMEs in Vojvodina, and the Presidents of regional associations of SMEs, Belgrade, Backe. Banat, Srem. central Serbia, western Serbia, southern Serbia, eastern Serbia, Sandzak are also members of the Assembly.