News • XI International SME Congress

XI International SME Congress

Organisation: SA SME,

Co-organisers: KonradAdenauerStiftung and SME Union of the EPP

Support: OECD LEED Partner Club, UEAPME- European Association of small and medium enterprises

Subject: Serbia towards EU

International SME congress represents a platform for experiences exchange and promotion of Serbian export potentials for the last ten years. Every year, business community have the opportunity to acquire information of current trends and challenges Serbia is facing on its way towards EU.

The attendees had the opportunity to hear the interventions of numerous guests both from EU- such as  EC representative, OECD LEED Centre  representative , UEAPME,  INSME representativ,  and from Serbia –  Director, National Agency for Regional Development, assistants to ministers of Ministry of Economy and Regional Development and Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, representatives form trade unions, etc.

Our goal is that representatives from the private sector, Government and the EU discuss the most important issues related to SME sector and business environment in Serbia and consequently contribute to the development of entire Serbian economy.
